We don’t charge a joining fee at Stratford and our annual subscriptions are competitive with comparable tennis clubs in Dublin.
However, we do offer something special that most other clubs don’t have: grass court tennis.
- Ordinary: €350
- Family (two adults, children under 18 and fulltime students living at home): €660
- Student: €175
- Junior (under 18s): €100
Subs are payable on May 1st each year.
Fees can be paid by bank transfer (EFT), online via our website through PayPal, or paid by cheque to a committee member made out to ‘Stratford Lawn Tennis Club’.
If you have any questions about joining please contact us on: info@stratfordtennis.ie
Members can invite guests to play on payment of a guest fee of €10 which covers the cost of a one-day membership.